
A place where authors can exchange ideas or thoughts. Talk about what categories are hot and which ones are not.

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Post by grouchy »

Hello, all -

Re: the new look: I've been waiting to see if any of the things that seem a little off to me at first glance become more bothersome with time, and there is one thing that bugs me every time I see it. I wonder if it bothers anyone else: On the sign-in page, that little note that says "Unique SEO Friendly (sic) Content."

It doesn't promote high quality as something that sets CC apart, it promotes SEO stuff that makes CC just like all the others. "Unique" doesn't set CC apart either; I dare to say most of the stuff at AC is unique, which iusn't necessarily an asset. Heck, if you describe a person as being unique, it's not always a great thing, since that is the only word that comes to your mind.

If anyone else would weigh in here, maybe we could get it to disappear. Or maybe it doesn't bother anyone else?

p.s. If you need help with adjectives, how about original, relevant, meeting the highest editorial standards on the Internet, written by people with more than just a pulse, etc etc etc ;-)
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Re: sign-in page

Post by Lola »

I tend to agree. The stuff I write here is not for SEO, although maybe most of the stuff that sells here is. Still, in my opinion it would be better to emphasize the quality of the work here rather than the word-density of the articles.
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Re: sign-in page

Post by Lor »

I have to agree. I never write with SEO in mind. That's for the full-rights buyers to mess with. My view of CC is that there are also numerous articles here worthy of print. For instance, many home decor and women's magazines now use titles like "10 Ways to Yadda Yadda Yadda." And I've always seen CC and the quality of writing accepted here as having a larger market, if we could find a way to reach the print industry as a whole. Grouchy made some great suggestions. Anything that speaks of quality rather than targeting just websites etc. would be great. In fact, if we mentioned "writing for all media" or "writing for print and online media" or something like that, we'd stand out. Push the quality and the market will open up further.

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Re: sign-in page

Post by eek »

"Quality Content for Print and Online Media"

I read the "unique" word as meaning you can find content here that isn't published elsewhere a thousand times. And perhaps the SEO was put in there for the search engines? But the above sentence (or some tweaked form of it) would better describe C-C.