
Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:56 am


Post by Maxedreng »

This is a simple question:
The first time my article got rejected, it was because:

"We do not accept content with punctuation errors, sentence structure errors, grammar errors, problems with clarity, or other errors."

Fine, I said. Both me and a friend of mine checked the grammar, and some clarity problems.
Now, the second time it got rejected it was because "This article has not been adequately revised. We canot accept it."

So the question is, what is still wrong with the article? I'm almost sure that the grammar is spotless, and since I thought that was the problem, what is it now?

(The name of the article was: "How to Make Your Computer Faster")

- Marcus
Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Rejection,

Post by Ed »

The article was not adequately revised as per the previous rejection notification. It still contains errors that were identified in the initial rejection notification, including grammar errors and other errors.

Thank you,
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:56 am

Re: Rejection,

Post by Maxedreng »

All right.
I'll see if I can correct the errors.
I will get suspended if I'm rejected another time, am I right?
If so, will that suspension be forever?

I'm scared.

- Marcus
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Rejection,

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Marcus,

If you would like another author to have a look at it for you, I would be happy to look at it. Click on my profile in the author list and send me an email via the contact button. Don't post the article in the forums as the forums are searched by search engines such as Google. I can't promise that it will be perfect, but sometimes another eye helps. I've been successfully writing here for over a year, so I know what Ed is looking for.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:56 am

Re: Rejection,

Post by Maxedreng »

Thank you for the oppurtunity.
I've been looking it through a lot now, so I hope you won't find that many errors.

- Marcus
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Rejection,

Post by HayleyWriter »

Hi Marcus,

I have sent you a reply on the email system. I hope you find my comments helpful. There were a couple of issues, so I could understand why Ed rejected the article at first. However, with a little more revision, I am sure you will have an article that meets the high standards here at CC. Keep working at it. We all get rejections at first, but those who want to succeed at CC always perservere and learn from the rejections to improve our writing skills. Good luck!

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Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:45 am

Re: Rejection,

Post by wrekdriv »

My article is been rejected for the second time aslo . I am feeling very bad :(.
Name of my article is "Evolution of Earth and After That" .
Posts: 536
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Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: Rejection,

Post by HayleyWriter »


I think you need to spend more time in proofreading for readability. You have made one spelling error in your post, and your title is not grammatically correct. If your article shows the same lack of proofreading, it will certainly be rejected. You need to ensure that the articles conform to ALL the submission guidelines, including using correct spelling and grammar. Some other new authors have found it useful to make a checklist of the submission guidelines. Proofread any article several times before submitting it. Pay attention too to the reasons Ed has given you for the rejection notice. There is always a good reason for the rejection and only those authors who show improvement and fix their errors will succeed in getting articles accepted here.

Good luck,
