Question and Suggestion

Area for content rejection questions.

Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

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Question and Suggestion

Post by tpheif »

I submitted the article "Should I date a co-worker?" I received a notice that it was rejected. The notice said, "Please submit in doc, rtf, or txt file type." I truly do not know how to respond to this because I submitted it as a .doc file.

I would like to suggest that if an article is rejected, that some sort of opportunity for revision be provided immediately so that the user can actually see their error. In other words, I would like to be shown that I did not submit the proper file format. Otherwise, if I re-submit it, it is quite possible it will be rejected again.

Unfortunately, this has happened before. The last time the rejection email said there were links in my article. When I went back through my article with a fine-tooth comb, there were no links. Again, please show me my error and I will be glad to fix it.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Celeste Stewart »

It's possible the document was saved as a .docx file which is the default format for Word 2007. Since .docx is not widely used, the format is not accepted at CC. This is because customers that do not own Word 2007 will not be able to open the article once purchased. If you use Word 2007, save the file as a Word 97-2003 document and it will then be saved in the more widely used .doc format.
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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Debbi »

I always use .rtf to avoid any confusion.
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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Ed »

There was no file extension on this particular submission.

Though there was no formal announcement made, we have been able to accept docx files for awhile now.

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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Lysis »

wait...we can submit with a .docx now? You guys joined the land of 2007 awesomeness? :D

Seriously, though, are we allowed to submit in .docx now?
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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Debbi »

But what if the buyer doesn't have Word 2007?
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Question and Suggestion

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Microsoft has updates that users of earlier versions of Word can use for compatibility with Office 2007. Now that it's nearly 2010, I would assume most users of Word 2003 have updated their software to include this functionality.

I don't plan on submitting in .docx though as I have my Word set to save in .doc by default and don't really see a reason to change it. The only time I use .docx is when I want to use diagrams and charts.