Zero Purchase Rating

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:43 pm

Zero Purchase Rating

Post by morgy70 »

I've just joined Constant Content and am keeping a close eye on the Requests to see if anything suitable comes up for me. I was pretty excited to see a batch of requests this morning on meaty topics that I could really get my teeth into. The requests are for pretty long pieces and seem to be offering reasonable renumeration. I'm just a wee bit wary though of the purchaser's zero purchase rating and wondered what the significance of this is?

Is it normal for someone who has never bought content from CC to make several large requests like this?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

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Joined: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:44 pm

Re: Zero Purchase Rating

Post by michaelsmoker »

I think--although I could be wrong--that the purchase rating just represents the number of CC articles a customer has bought and successfully paid for.

My very first article on CC was in response to a request from a customer who had a zero purchase rating. They took their sweet time about purchasing my article but did purchase and pay for it in the end. On the other hand, I recently uploaded an article to a request for a customer with a zero purchase rating, and I don't think that one is going to sell. (Part of the problem is that the article took five days to approve because of the four-day thanksgiving weekend, and the customer appears to be in a part of the world that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.)

If the article is cost-effective and not so extremely niche that you don't think you'd ever find another customer for it, go ahead and write it and upload it. Even if the requesting customer doesn't buy it, the stats I've heard is that 75% of CC articles sell within two years, so it's a good bet.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:43 pm

Re: Zero Purchase Rating

Post by morgy70 »

thanks that´s very helpful
