Some of you may have been noticing some changes around here, I just wanted to post them as they become functional. Some of these are still in progress but most are done.
Besides all the changes behind the scenes we have made some major changes that should help improve the overall site that are visible. Here are the changes:
Writers will now get a reason when articles are rejected. Before you would just get a generic email, now you will know the exact reason. (Spelling, grammar, no article was attached, etc)
Requests are now approved before they are sent to the writers. Before we had an issue with false requests and blank requests coming through... No longer. I plan to check each one out so this should stop most of the bad and blank requests. This doesn’t mean every request will be a paying customer but it will be much better.
Take a look at the search... Much better
We changed the orange links since someone was color blind and had problems seeing it. (in progress)
Writers were not always getting notified when an article sold, hopefully this is resolved now.(in progress)
New fields when submitting an article have been added:
Images button: Just check this when your article contains images.
Second Category: If you think your article belongs in two categories you can use this. But please don't select a second category just because you can. Also keep in mind if you add your article to "Skin Care" is automatically goes into "Beauty" as well, since "Skin Care" is a subcategory of "Beauty". So there is no need to pick "Beauty" and "Skin Care" as your second category.
Keywords: You can now add keywords to your article. The search feature will look at these keywords and find your article. For instance... right now if someone searches for "Skin Care" but the articles long summery and summery do not contain the words "Skin Care" this article will not come up. Well not all articles contain the words that someone may use to search for.
Full Rights: We have added a “Full rights” payment option. We someone purchases a “Full Rights” license they are allowed to change the article, remove anything, resell it, take credit, and pretty much do what ever they want. I made a chart to help others understand better:
Almost all of these are from requests from writers and customers, so please feel free to request away. All of these changes should be finished this week.
Updates (6-20-05)
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant