Questions from someone new

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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:50 pm

Questions from someone new

Post by waldronr »

Hi there,

I'm just getting oriented to this site--looks like great potential! I do have a few questions:

1) How long does it generally take to get articles reviewed? I submitted a few articles over a week ago and they still indicate they're waiting review. I want to be patient so if it normally takes a while, with the holiday weekend especially that would be good to know. I read on the forum it could take 3-5 days, or maybe a week or so, just want to know what to expect.

2) On the word count--I assume on the word count it's just for the body of the article?? (not including any title, or references if not in text citations).

3) If you do respond to a public request and the person is looking for 10 articles, do you submit all 10 or a few and the purchaser can choose the ten that they want, from multiple people?

Any insight would be appreciated--thanks!!

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Location: UK

Re: Questions from someone new

Post by jak »

Hi Rachelle, and welcome. Here are the answers as I see them.

1) There are lots of changes going on here at the moment, and I suspect they are interfering a bit with the normal running of the site. You can expect reviews to take a while. They are taking longer than they used to, although I understand the editors are still prioritising private and public requests. For the latter though, it's not a good idea to submit close to the deadline as it could be missed. That happened to me last week. Anyway it's impossible to say exactly how long a review will take just now.

2) I never include titles etc in the word count, although I have read that some other authors do. I don't think it matters too much as customers just want a general idea of length.

3) You can submit any number of articles to a public request. Customers will have their own strategy for choosing what they want from all the submissions from all the authors.

Best of luck.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:50 pm

Re: Questions from someone new

Post by waldronr »

Thanks Jak, that helps a lot!