Public request confusion. Please help

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Public request confusion. Please help

Post by postit »

Hi all. I wrote an article for a public request. The expiration date on the request was 10/12 which is today. But when I went to submit the article and pulled down all the public requests, the one I wrote for was no longer listed. I have no idea what that means. Does it mean the client pulled the request? Does it mean to meet the expiration date I should have submitted yesterday? So confused here...
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Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by jellygator »

I'd guess it should have been submitted yesterday. You can submit it with a note saying you intended it for that public request, and perhaps CC will go ahead and tag it for submission to that buyer.
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Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by postit »

Thanks--I guess I can try that. I wonder if anyone else can give me a definitive answer about the expiration date of public requests? Do you need to file the article the day BEFORE the expiration date for the article to be considered? I understand filing earlier is probably always preferable but I am still confused on this point.
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Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by postit »

How do I add a note to the editors when submitting--I don't see a place to do that. Having trouble today...
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Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by jellygator »

Submit it, then click 'My Content' and 'edit'.... when you see the resubmit form, add your comment at the bottom and click. You won't need to re-upload.
Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:46 pm

Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by postit »

Ah--thank you very much. I really appreciate the tip!
Posts: 230
Joined: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:20 pm

Re: Public request confusion. Please help

Post by jellygator »

You're welcome!
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