I have had a number of sad emails worded as below:
'Subject: CC Notification: Your article 'Is a Zero Percent Credit Card Deal Right for You?' will be moved to the general pool.
Your article titled 'Is a Zero Percent Credit Card Deal Right for You?' that was submited (sic) for the request Articles needed on Credit Cards and Personal Finance will be moved to the general pool in case it hasn't been purchased for full rights during a period of three days. Thank You.'
Does this mean: 'Your article will be moved if it hasn't been purchased within three days.'?
That's the only meaning I can get from it, but the wording is so odd I would like confirmation. There doesn't seem to be much point in warning about the move three days ahead of time, which makes me think maybe the meaning is different.
Thanks for any light that can be shed. Cheers.
Confusing phrasing
Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant
Re: Confusing phrasing
No. It's not different. The email system here doesn't always work properly, so you were quite lucky to receive these. I agree that the wording of the second email is rather confusing, though.
When you submit to a request, the article is always held for the relevant customer for at least three days. Then, if that customer hasn't purchased it, it should be made available to any buyer ie placed in the public pool. Sometimes the private period seems a bit longer than three days, but it will eventually happen.
When you submit to a request, the article is always held for the relevant customer for at least three days. Then, if that customer hasn't purchased it, it should be made available to any buyer ie placed in the public pool. Sometimes the private period seems a bit longer than three days, but it will eventually happen.
- Posts: 304
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 am
Re: Confusing phrasing
Thanks for that..so when these emails are sent it is intended to communicate that the 3 days have already gone by and the articles are on their way to the general list?.....in my book 'in case' points to a future possibility, whereas it appears that it is actually referring to past events, oh well, thanks . 

- Posts: 304
- Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:15 am
Re: Confusing phrasing
Actually I am being unclear too. I should have said I only get these emails quite a few days or even weeks after the articles have been approved by the ed, and when they are basically on their way down the plughole, so it doesn't matter really!