When we finished, we were loading up in the mini van and the little one (4yrs. old) says, "I gotta pee".
The pizza place has no bathroom, the laundry mat next door keeps theirs locked at night and the nearest gas station was across the street, my son couldn't 'hold' that long.
So....we opted to take him around the corner of the building, he's a boy and it's easy for him to get his business done.
As soon as we round the corner to discreetly let him 'use', I hear this scream from across the parking lot.I looked around and there's this big lady screaming at US! Screaming like she's mad as all get out and she's gonna whoop somebody.
To make a long story a bit shorter, she came over to me and really fussed about taking the kids (both of my boys went with daddy supervising) behind the building to 'pee', she was very vulgar!
It was a humiliating scene to say the least.
She claimed to be on the phone with the owner of the building, of course she handed me the cell phone and I let both the 'supposed owner' and the woman have it. I was ticked!
It was not a pretty sight and I'm choosing not to include the choice words exchanged, I was ready to pop that lady though which is odd for me. I'm still mad about it!
Ok, I agree that opting to go behind a building isn't so smart but what else are you gonna do when a child has to use facilities...when there is none?
Ok, that's my grip for today. I was hoping I would feel better but I still feel crumby, I really think I would feel better right now had I have opted to pop that lady!
It would have been worth the bond to bail me out and my kids could have cheered me on...she was pretty big though! I think I could've took her. This would be hilarious if she's a writer on C-C!